Preparing For Your Scheduled Procedure


Scheduled procedures can seem complicated and come with many questions about what is needed the days prior to the procedure. Preparation for endoscopic procedures, especially colonoscopy is said to be one of the most difficult parts of the process. However it is also one of the most vital tools to be sure we can obtain the most accurate results and continue to move forward with an individualized care plan that best fits you. That is why here at Advanced Digestive Care we have created an easy to understand step by step guide to answer all preparation questions from medication changes all the way  down to the day prior preparation. That way we can be sure our patients are given all the tools needed for an easy procedure.

If you have any specific questions on your upcoming procedure, or you would like to schedule one please feel free to call our office or fill out our request a procedure form.


Medication Changes:

In order to be certain we can give our patients the most safest scheduled procedures, and remove the growths and tissues needed it is vital to modify particular medications up to the day of your scheduled procedure.

  • If you are currently on blood thinners (anticoagulation or antiplatelet therapy) please let us know so we can coordinate stopping them with you, as well as your prescribing physician. Aspirin is an exception and can be continued unless told otherwise.
  • If you are diabetic it is very important to discuss the specific management of your diagnosis at the time of your scheduled procedure. The management varies on specific medications that could  need to be discontinued for an acute time and the status of your blood sugar control (A1C). Please discuss your diagnosis with us as well as your managing physician.

Common medication changes include:

  • Holding blood thinners (duration is depending on the specific medication)

  • Holding oral hypoglycemic medications as well as fast acting insulin, and changing the dose of long acting insulins before the procedure as you will be required to fast prior.

  • Avoidance of NSAIDs 1 week prior to the procedure

  • For any questions about your specific medication please contact our office.


Dietary Changes:

This part of preparation is mainly for colonoscopy. Visualization during a colonoscopy relies on the lack of residue in the colon. By beginning a low fiber diet, eating uncooked vegetables and fruits during the week leading to the scheduled procedure can significantly increase the chances of clear and accurate results. Our team will be sure that you have a personalized diet that best suites your needs. The day prior to the procedure will be mainly based on clear liquids. Please refer to your patient specified detailed instructions.


The Day Before Your Procedure:

 While for some scheduled procedures the day prior can be seen as any other normal day in your life. However when having a endoscopic procedure, especially colonoscopy it is the most critical part of the preparation. This is the day you will begin drinking the colonoscopy liquid preparation in order to flush your system, as well as you will only be allowed to consume clear liquids.  After completion of your colonoscopy preparation you must stop eating and drinking, the timeframe of this varies on your scheduled procedure time. As a general rule, you should allow at least two hours of complete fasting from clear liquids. Please refer to your patient specific instructions, and be sure all your personalized instructions are clear and understood. Please ask about any clarifications you may have prior to this day by calling our office.

You should consider asking questions and not drinking any pre procedure preparation if there is suspicion or diagnosis of*:
  • Ileus (significant slowing of the intestinal movements)


Specific Preparation Instructions

Depending on what you and your physician chose as the best preparation for your needs, please click on the detailed instructions:

*If you have any questions or concerns regarding these preparation instructions please call our office*


Phone: (248) 590-0202 Fax: (248) 590-0278